Théophile in champion mode at Estoril

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And two more makes seven. Théophile’s sixth and seventh wins on the Estoril circuit last weekend gave the French driver a third consecutive weekend after Navarra and Jerez, with two victories to his name.

Two victories won with authority in races 1 and 2, since they were achieved from pole position, an exercise Théophile has mastered perfectly over the last few weeks. With the preferred position on the grid, the Frenchman dominated the competition on Saturday and Sunday morning, despite a few safety-car incidents once again, before suffering an unfortunate first retirement this year in Race 3, after suffering a technical problem with his rear wing.

A minor hiccup in the weekend’s action, but Théophile Naël’s lead in the championship remains intact, with a 61-unit margin over his closest pursuer.

Théophile Naël: It’s another very positive weekend here in Estoril. It started with pole position in Q1, with a really high-performance car. The win in Race 1 was well managed, as I didn’t suffer too much in terms of degradation. The car’s balance was excellent. We perhaps lacked a bit of performance in Q2, both on my side and on the car’s side. So I wasn’t able to reproduce what I did in Q1, but we know that we can now pole regularly. I’m still satisfied with the work we’ve been able to do with the team on this point. In Race 3, technical problems forced me to retire, but we’re now focused on Valencia, with testing before the race weekend.

Credit: Dutch photo

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